It’s PTSI, the Pin
It’s PTSI, the Pin
Get the Pin • Show support • Advance the cause
Get the Pin • Show your support • Advance the cause

linda Verster
Co-Founder of the Glenn Greenberg and Linda Vester Foundation

Gen. Peter Chiarelli
Four-Star U.S. Army General (Retired), 32nd Vice Chief of Staff of the U.S. Army

Dr. Frank Ochberg
Psychiatrist, pioneer in trauma science, educator

Eugene Lipov, M.D.
Chief Medical Officer, Stella Treatment Center, author

Kim Lodewyk, PhD, LCP
Dir. of Trauma Services, Heritage Professional Associates

MSgt. Trevor Beaman
Father, husband, soldier, mental health advocate

Liz Frega, R.N.
Registered nurse, Stella Treatment Center

Angela Rose
Author, Founder of PAVE (Promoting Awareness | Victim Empowerment)
Will you join us?
Get the Pin. Show your support. Advance the cause.
Will you join us?
Help to raise awareness, reduce stigma, and directly support those who most need it.
Help to raise awareness, reduce stigma, and directly support those who most need it.
By purchasing — and wearing — the “It’s PTSI” pin, you’ll literally show your support while raising awareness of the challenge we face in replacing the “D” with an “I” — for post-traumatic stress injury. Proceeds will fund the efforts of Erase PTSD Now!, a 501(c)(3) non-profit that is primarily focused on funding treatment for survivors in need of financial support. The organization launched a campaign to change the label in May 2023 — check out the links below to learn more.
Proceeds will fund the efforts of Erase PTSD Now!, a 501c3 non-profit that is devoted to improving the lives of those impacted by post-traumatic stress.

Dr. Frank Ochberg
Psychiatrist (retired), pioneer in trauma science, educator

Gen. Peter Chiarelli
Four-Star U.S. Army General (Ret.), 32nd Vice Chief of Staff of the U.S. Army

Kim Lodewyk, PhD, LCP
Dir. of Trauma Services, Heritage Professional Associates

Eugene Lipov, M.D.
Chief Medical Officer, Stella Treatment Center, author

MSgt. Trevor Beaman
Father, husband, soldier, mental health advocate

Liz Frega, R.N.
Registered nurse, Stella Treatment Center